Information about COVID-19
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As we all know, Spain was during 2020 one of the most affected by the COVID-19 crisis, reaching by now a death toll of over 80.000 people despite having only 46 million inhabitants.
However, this year 2021 vaccination has been very quick and both the number of new cases and the fatalities have decreased at a shocking speed that few could expect just months ago.
That is why life in Spain has resumed almost completely and most people can move around freely. Once there is no national state of alarm nor curfew, the restrictive measures have been loosened. Tourists from many countries around the world can enter Spain, and internal movement is barely controlled.
However, in case you did not know, Spain is a quasi-federal nation, what means here that the regional governments have lots of competencies to implement regulations aside from the central executive. This, together with the asymmetric impact of the new waves of the pandemic, has made that some autonomous communities (that is how we call our regions) have their own restrictive measures and even certain curfews, depending on each municipality and the level of danger that is observed there, being evaluated from 1 to 4 where 1 represents minimum risk of contagion and 4 the worst possible scenario.
Since these measures change on a daily basis and town to town, it would be unrealistic to write all of them down in this entry. Nonetheless, we can count on official sources where everything is updated and you can check the information for every region and town virtually at real time:
Find an interactive map on this link:
Check also the IATA official website to see updated news about entry restrictions around the world:
Anyhow, let us remind ourselves a few of the basic guidelines to keep us and our loved ones protected:
- Try to keep 1,5 meters of distance to other people.
- If you need to sneeze or cough, do so into the inside of your elbow as COVID-19 is spread heavily through respiratory drops.
- Wash your hands as much as possible, and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Avoid handshakes, the traditional Spanish two kisses and any other general form of physical interaction with others, especially when you are in public.
- Avoid queues, elevators and any other type of crowding of people, even if you consider the area you are in to be protected.
If you find yourself with a fever, dry cough, sore throat or shortness of breath, isolate yourself at home IMMEDIATELY and avoid any and all physical interaction with family or friends of the same household.
If your symptoms worsen, seek medical attention by calling +34 900 400 061. An operator will assess your situation and forward your call onto the 061 emergency services if they consider it necessary.
We would like to once again ensure each and every one of our clients that the Premier Law team is working hard from our homes and that communications via email and telephone are as normal.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any enquiries or legal issues.